How to choose eco friendly bakery packaging.

Bakery packaging is an integral part of food commodities. One of the bakery consumption process.

It protects food in the process of leaving the factory to the hands of the public in preventing harm to human or environment.

It can also maintain the quality of the food itself stable function.

It’s convenient to eat foods can also show the appearance of food to attract the consumer’s image.

Valuable than material costs.

Therefore, food packaging is also an indispensable part of the food chain.

1. Bread packaging

First of all, let’s first understand the role of bakery packaging.

In order to ensure the quality of bread and meet the health requirements, cooled or sliced bread should be immediate packaging.

Packing for bread has the following effects:

① Keep the bread clean and hygienic.

Avoid contamination during storage, transportation and sales.

②  Prevent the bread from hardening and extend the shelf life.

It takes a period of storage and transportation for bread from the factory to the public.

Flour and aging due to evaporation of water, bread will harden and lose soft features.

After packaging bread avoid significant loss of water, maintain the freshness of the bread.

The moisture of bread is best kept at 35%-40%.

③ Increase the beauty of the product.

Beautiful packaging can attract the attention of the public and highlight the advantages of the product.

Thereby increasing the number of sales.

2. What to pay attention to when packaging bread

So, what should we pay attention to when choosing bread packaging methods and packaging materials?

Three packaging methods:

Packaging methods include manual packaging, semi-mechanized packaging and automated packaging.

Manual packaging is less restricted by factors such as funds, venues, and product quantities, and is more flexible.

But it may not meet hygienic standards, and it is not as neatly packed as a packaging machine.

Semi-mechanized and automated packaging are all packaged by packaging machines.

Requirements for packaging materials:

  •  It must comply with food hygiene requirements. Non-toxic, odorless, tasteless, does not pollute, directly or indirectly bread.
  • Good airtight performance. Watertight and airtight as possible. So as not to dry hard bread, the flavor lost.
  • For mechanical packaging, the packaging material should preferably have certain mechanical properties. In order to facilitate mechanical operation and protect the bread from mechanical damage.
  • Affordable, within a certain range of costs to improve the quality of packaging as possible.

The commonly used packaging materials for bread are divided into paper and plastic.

3. The application of paper packaging in bakery packaging

The material and plasticity of paper are very rich.

Compared with other materials, the application range is the most extensive.

At the same time, with the rapid development of the food industry.

Paper packaging is an important packaging mode in the future circular economy.

It will also become one of the important trends to realize the vigorous development and popularization of green materials.

When making bakery products on paper packaging, you can learn from the modeling rules of “origami art”.

Create exquisite and unique paper packaging three-dimensional.

Bending, folding, rolling, cutting, interpenetrating, joining, creasing, stretching, inserting, pasting, transferring, enclosing, etc.

These are forming the basis of a linear matrix, and body mass is an external packaging advantages matrix form.

Combine the art of paper with the structure of paper packaging.

Use paper cutting lines, folding lines, planes, and hollow surfaces to create effects.

You can make beautiful shape structure, to the role of landscaping products.

More conducive to customers’ purchases.

4. How to choose suitable packaging

In China, a large proportion of the consumption of the younger generation.

Especially the 6 to 40-year-old group.

Although the output of bread continues to grow steadily, it has not yet reached the consumption level of many developed countries.

China’s large population, a large amount of potential demand for bread.

In recent years, with the gradual improvement of people’s living standards, food consumption concept has undergone great changes.

The demand for bread is gradually increasing.

As the incoming bread in other countries, a strong stimulus to the local Chinese bread industry.

As a result, Chinese bread has improved in terms of variety, taste and innovation.

So how to choose a suitable bakery packaging?

① Color

Color affects the way the bystander sees things.

Think creatively about how to make your customized bread packaging design attractive to customers.

The artistic layout will definitely arouse the interest of customers.

Talk to your graphic designer about tones, images, and fonts.

However, no matter what your design goals are, make sure that your business and products are defined.

You can also design different packaging for different projects.

② True content

Facts have proved that companies that are responsible to the society are getting more and more attention and welcome from consumers.

Highlighting your true content through packaging will make it unique to consumers.

Whether you want to support family bakers or social goods, you can print it on a custom oven.

This way people will think your company is a responsible company.

They will tend to learn more about you and buy your products.

③ Personalized elements

If you want to win customer loyalty, it is important to establish contact with them.

Add some personalization elements to your product packaging design.

For example, biscuits or truffles will make buyers happy.

You can also print a thank you card on the bakery box.

Putting different labels on your product boxes will make them stand out.

Small gestures are also very important. Using your packaging to express these ideas can greatly increase product sales and retain customers.

Tony Kim

Tony Kim

Hello everyone, my name is Tony Kim. I am running a paper packaging factory in China with nearly 20 years of production experience. The purpose of this article is to share with you some relevant knowledge and experience about paper packaging, from a personal view of a Chinese supplier.

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