4 Easy Ways Your Business Can Reduce Packaging Box Cost Now

Now, business change means that you need to redesign your business model, regardless of changes in business model and customer requirements. The only thing that won’t change in the process is that your product needs packaging box. And you need to consider the packaging box cost.

The constant need for packaging means that when you want to reduce the cost of goods, the packaging box cost is also within your consideration.

In this article, you will learn how to reduce packaging box cost.

You will get 4 ways to save money from packaging, without affecting specifications, quality and visual effects.

Packaging box as a fixed cost of products, many companies attach great importance to it.

1. Change your packaging box design and production location

The biggest driver of packaging box cost savings is to move production to the right place, rather than confined to one area.

Finding a supplier, that matches your needs and design style is very important.

The rapid development of the Internet and logistics has made location issues no longer inferior.

Cost performance is something that companies should consider.

2. Consult your packaging box designer

Keep an open mind, when it comes to package box design and change it when needed.

Ask your print designer to help you choose the material and packaging design that are right for your product.

Some question related to cost and quality, that need to be considered during the production design phase are:

  • Is the visual space effectively used for packaging box?
  • Should I cut, add or modify certain information or visual elements for best results?
  • Is the budget a problem? If so, consulting a packaging and graphic design team may help you find ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Are there unnecessary elements or operations on the package box?

For example, do I need to use a label-applied package in a separate process to print directly on the packaging material?

These considerations can help you save money, by making some simple adjustments in package box design or materials and finish materials selection.

Many packaging companies, as the total solution providers for paper package box design and printing. They can give you the most suitable packaging guidance in packaging design, box structure design and printing production.

3. Review plan with your structural engineer

Structural engineers will bring additional supervision to your package box design.

They can help you improve your packaging and shipping protection.

This reduces costs by reducing the potential return on damage, waste and damaged goods. Structural engineers can also help reduce costs by achieving efficiency and optimizing designs.

A few things a structural engineer can help you with:

  • Is it possible to reduce the weight of the package box? Be sure to consider the absolute weight and relative volume weight of the finished box.
  • How much pressure is piled up during transportation?
  • Does the package box need to withstand significant vibration or impact?
  • Does the shipping route that packaging will take involve significant climate or humidity changes that may affect the material?

Many of the considerations regarding packaging box configuration are that graphic-centric designers may not fully consider or even realize it.

Structural engineers can alleviate these concerns and help you improve packaging box quality and cost.

4. Reasonably plan the packing box inventory

The unit cost of packaging and printing decreases with the increase in the amount of printing.

Therefore, the company must have a clear plan for the sales of products. And be good at using inventory to save packaging costs and packaging printing time.

Package box design is not a simple design. It is a good combination of design and printing.

Professional packaging company will continue to find the best balance between packaging design and packaging printing for you, and design and print the most salesable package box for each customer.

I hope the above all will help you.

If you have any questions, just contact us leave me a message.

Tony Kim

Tony Kim

Hello everyone, my name is Tony Kim. I am running a paper packaging factory in China with nearly 20 years of production experience. The purpose of this article is to share with you some relevant knowledge and experience about paper packaging, from a personal view of a Chinese supplier.

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