5 Details to Pay Attention to Gift Packaging Boxes Design

The gift packaging box design is the first impression of a good intention.

The beautiful gift packaging box design allows the person who receives the gift to feel your sincerity and care for him the first time.

I believe everyone gives gifts, and they absolutely hope that others like the gifts they give.

Usually, the person who receives the gift first will see the gift’s packaging. If the packaging design is better, it will show more creative effects.

Of course, people who receive gifts will have a good first impression. The first impression is to pay attention to the packaging design of the gift box.

This article will introduce 5 details of gift packaging box design to avoid mediocre design style.

1. The gift packaging box design is based on actual

The design of the gift box must consider the actual situation.

For example, what is gift wrapping? Or what style do you want to present?

Especially to combine more creativity and novel elements. Only in this way can the packaging design style be more noticeable.

Especially the gift packaging box design is more attractive.

Therefore, this type of packaging will immediately give you extra points. Even if the value of the gift is not very high, there will be a high added value through the packaging.

2. Consider the preferences of the recipient

The gift packaging box design also needs to consider the preferences of the person receiving the gift.

And according to the other party’s age and aesthetic design, incorporating popular new creative elements. Instead of blindly thinking.

The design of gifts and gift packaging often requires the right combination of new elements that are easily accepted.

Only in this way can we better play the role of creativity, otherwise we will lose the meaning of design.

3. Color selection of gift box

In order to make the gift packaging box design more creative and show better visual effects.

It is also important to match colors, especially the overall, size and size of gift packaging, or design.

Gift packaging decoration must fully consider this.

Not only to consider the practical function of gift packaging, but also to consider the characteristics and advantages of gifts.

Can make the design effect more perfect, and highlight the unique style and temperament.

Color has a clear symbolic meaning in people’s hearts.

Therefore, on important festivals, weddings, birthdays, or other formal ceremonies, the gifts should be preferably red or packed in red.

The gift to a friend in life does not need to be too solemn in the choice of color, but it cannot ignore the meaning of color.

Because the colors of the gift and its packaging can give people different feeling.

In the color field, cool colors give a calm and calm feeling, warm colors are warm and pleasant, big flowers give a warm feeling, and small floral flowers are more delicate, and warm.

The colors and packaging colors of gifts given to each other cannot always be chosen unilaterally from their own feelings, but must take into account their preferences.

Don’t easily challenge the colors that the other party doesn’t like.

The more delicate the production process of gift box packaging, the higher the color matching requirements.

The color matching of the gift box is the key.

Choose the color of the ribbon, gold and silver are wild colors.

Several double bows overlap each other, and the most beautiful is to use gold or silver backing.

The ribbon should match the color of the wrapping paper.

Try to use the same color as the color of the wrapping paper, or hit the color.
For example, the wrapping paper is purple, and the ribbon can be purple and blue.

4. Structural design

Although choosing a special gift box structure, the whole gift looks more attentive. But more important is the gift that fits inside.

The most basic design of a gift box is to consider its structural design.

When the structural design of the gift box is needed, the grade positioning of the gift needs to be considered.

Mainly involves the shape design and material selection of gift boxes.

In the same grade of gift packaging, it should be ensured that the materials selected are the most ECO-friendly.

And to ensure that the structural design of the packaging box has a strength, enough to protect the products in the box.

Common carton packaging structure designs are:

A.Socket type gift box structure packaging design

This is the most commonly used form of gift box. With simple shape, simple process and low cost. Many gift boxes use this structure.

B.Packaging structure design of window-type gift box

This kind of gift box is generally used in the food and toy packaging, giving consumers the most direct visual impact, attracting consumers’ attention, and increase product appeal.

The materials for opening windows are usually filled with clear materials.

C.Packaging structure design of gift box with lid

This covered structure is divided into two types of integral and split.

The so-called integrated means that the cover is connected with the box body, and the overall appearance is elegant.

The split type is what we often say the sky and earth cover, sky cover and earth cover, the two give dual protection to the gift,increasing the pressure resistance of the gift

D.Drawer box

Box type with drawer function, it is very convenient to pull out the drawer box during use.

5. Material selection of gift box

For gift boxes, the most easily overlooked is the choice of materials.

Therefore, when choosing materials, you should pay attention to the stiffness of the materials used in the box.

The materials that can usually be selected include cardboard or white cardboard. Due to the difference of each material, the size and design will also be different.

About the gift packaging box design, we must pay attention to these details.

This not only ensures that the innovative design is better, and avoids mediocre situations.

Moreover, the advantages of gift packaging can be displayed, and the functional trait of gifts can be better displayed.

So as not to affect the effect of gift giving, so that those who receive the gift have a good first impression and feel happy after seeing the gift.

Questions about packaging paper materials, you can focus on HuiYou package. We will share more with you in the future.

If you want to know more, you can contact us.

Tony Kim

Tony Kim

Hello everyone, my name is Tony Kim. I am running a paper packaging factory in China with nearly 20 years of production experience. The purpose of this article is to share with you some relevant knowledge and experience about paper packaging, from a personal view of a Chinese supplier.

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