7 New Bright Spots in Modern Packaging Design

Packaging design is the external show of goods.

Mainly use packaging materials, structure, design, color, text, etc. to package products.

Print the shape, structure and color of the packaging.

Overall, the modern packing box design mainly shows the following 7 points.

This article will introduce you to the new bright spots of packing box design.

1. The effect of packaging design

For instance, when selecting packaging materials.

According to the needs of the goods, choose the packaging materials: ceramics, plastics, glass, paper, etc.

While ensuring product safety, your packaging will have more requirements.

For example: prevent pressure, prevent wear, avoid sun exposure, waterproof, prevent erosion, prevent leakage.

In addition, a more easy design is needed to make the user feel better.

Use handles, paper tapes and other forms to provide a better feel for packaging.

Highlight the actual value utility.

2.Make your packaging design look better

Good-looking surfaces are a very important part of your custom packing design.

Better looking packaging can not only increase product value, but also give people a better visual feel.

More and more product packaging began to pursue art.

Some designers want to use colors and pictures to highlight beautiful packaging shapes and materials.

In short, all packaging designers are looking for a more correct and beautiful expression.

Provide more and better services for products and use.

3. Diversity of packaging box design

In addition to the basic requirements for packaging products and good-looking design.

Packing box design should also add more flexible design methods, so that more packaging forms.

For example: when you enter the mall, the dazzling variety of goods are often dazzling.

Whether it is a paper bag, carton, bottle, sleeve and other different shapes.

Or portable, stacked, side-by-side and other placement methods are all for better product sales.

Nowadays, the packaging has been simple to protect the product from the start.

Develop the future to increase product value and promote product for sale.

Sometimes meaningful packaging takes on more social roles.

4.Let the packaging design combine with nature

The combination of packaging and nature is called ecological design.

The so-called ecological design can be understood as: taking nature and returning to nature.

Eco-friendly materials allow packaging to recycle and reuse resources during use.

The original ecological packaging paper designs promotes the natural function of raw materials.

Therefore, when choosing materials, we must first choose more natural, green, and healthy raw materials.

The simple design principle shows the natural effect and concept of packaging to the greatest extent.

The eco packaging box design enhances the packaging more fun.

At the same time, most of this type of packaging, the selected materials can be recycled.

Can reduce the damage to the environment.

5.Make your design more interesting

Fun packaging can attract consumers’ attention with its unique and novel design methods and design ideas.

And can bring consumers a happy and pleasant experience.

The interesting packaging form is used in the design of interesting packaging.

The designer will combine the internal and external related components of the product to display the product feature in a unique packaging form.

So as to attract the attention of people.

The more common is the bionic box design.

It mainly imitates the shapes, characteristics and colors of various animals in nature.

Humorous pictures are also a type often used in fun packaging box design.

Such pictures are simpler than bionic designs.

In general, you only need to perform special processing on the image to get the desired effect.

6. Make a series of box design

At present, packaging is designed as a series of methods.

It has become a popular form in international packing box design.

Because this form of packaging is almost everywhere.

Especially its similar design style makes the product packaging more powerful.

You can also deepen your impression

On the whole, the method of designing packaging into a series is good for product design.

The “family style” design style formed in the later period makes the image of the product more prominent.

A unified and powerful visual image can often gain more attention.

Not only can it attract people’s attention, but also have the role of creating a brand and expand its influence.

7.Give your packaging design more emotions

① Make the words in your package more emotional.

Words are a symbol for recording language and an important way to get information.

For fun, designers often use artistic words.

Art word can improve the artistic effect of the product, and make the text and product and packing design more natural.

For example, the packaging of Chinese wine, tea and other related products will add ink painting.

② Give your packaging color, pictures more emotion

Different colors can explain different emotions.

Color has a strong visual impact.

Using different colors can express different emotions, which can enhance people’s understanding of products.

Pictures can let people directly understand various information of products.

Color can enhance the effect of visually conveying emotions.

Nice packing box design must be bold and morden on the basis of original work and features.

Start with new conducts such as eco, fun, series, and feeling.

Not only to achieve outstanding personality, but also to achieve diverse work.

Only in this way can the value of products be increased and people’ desire to buy can be caused.

Questions about packaging paper materials, you can focus on HuiYou package. We will share more with you in the future.

If you want to know more, you can contact us.

Tony Kim

Tony Kim

Hello everyone, my name is Tony Kim. I am running a paper packaging factory in China with nearly 20 years of production experience. The purpose of this article is to share with you some relevant knowledge and experience about paper packaging, from a personal view of a Chinese supplier.

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