4 Easiest Links Between Product Packaging And Brands You Need Know

Product packaging is the consumer’s first impression of the product brand.

So how does product packaging affect the brand? Or what is the connection between product packaging and brand?

1.What is product packaging?

However, But for designers, understanding of packaging cannot be expressed in words.

In fact once the designer accepts the design commission.

They often rely on their unique profession to get close to the product that needs packaging,and listen to the product’s claims and capture the meeting point between it and consumers.

As a result, make all preparations for its coming and survival in the commodity world-shape a new life that can be accepted by the complicated commodity world.

This is the packaging in the designer’s mind.

Surely, the mission of packaging design has undergone major changes with the development of society, extending from a single practical function to many marketing-level functions.

For businesses, through packaging design, it becomes a logo to promote the brand, improve product competitiveness, strengthen product characteristics, and establish a corporate image.

At the same time, from the consumer‘s point of view. In addition to the consumption of goods, you should also enjoy the good things.

Therefore, packaging design has multiple missions:

a.The needs of the product itself.

b.Merchants achieve the purpose of promoting products through packaging.

c.Consumers’ further aesthetic requirements on packaging.

In brief, the three are theoretically unified with each other. What they all have in common is how to maximize the supply of products to consumers.

2. What is a brand?

When a business, a product, or a service has its own name, term, logo, symbol, design, or any combination of them, it has a brand.

And what is the value of the brand to the company? To be precise, a well-known and respected brand is an intangible asset of a company.

For companies marketing them, brands can play several roles:

a.  A brand can enable an enterprise to develop its economic scale by mass-producing products.

b.  Any technology can be imitated, and brands are non-imitable.

c. Brands can differentiate a company from its competitors.

Increasing a company’s brand capital can increase its competitiveness in the market.

d.  In the market, a strong brand image can enable enterprises to occupy a favorable market position.

e. For consumers, a well-respected brand is the guarantee that quality, taste, status and other needs are met. It is a contract of consumer trust.

In the future competition, companies may not have their own factories and warehouses.

Even in the highly developed Internet era in the future, you may not have your own office, but you cannot have your own brand.

On the whole, the future corporate competition will be competition at the brand level.

3. The link between packaging design and brand

This is like a person’s dress.

No doubt, eye-catching packaging design with outstanding visual recognition can help products look more special among many competing products.

And make consumers pay attention, view, appreciate and buy.

This is also the most ideal packaging design pursued by every business.

So, what is the relationship between packaging design and brand?

1. Packaging is the visual carrier of the brand.

Packaging design is a fun task.

Brand logo, text, pictures, colors, shapes, materials, etc. Free combination according to professional design.

Based on the characteristics of the product, follow the basic principles of brand design.

Accordingly, the brand’s visual symbols are fully integrated into the packaging design, forming a unique brand personality.

While distinguishing competing products, to clarify the ownership of the product.

By and large, the text and pictures on the package must be used to directly promote the brand in order to attract the attention of customers.

Because only with clear information and standard content can consumers be misled and cause adverse effects on the brand.

Therefore, there are 4 tenets for packaging design:

a. The packaging style is specific and vivid, show product features.

Consumers can understand the features of the product by looking at the packaging.

b. Packaging should be able to fully display the goods.

Use color photos to truly represent the product.

This is most popular in food packaging. Such as chocolate, candy, canned food, etc.

Color pictures can show the color, taste and touch of the product.

The products can be fully displayed in the form of full transparent packaging and window packaging. Very popular in food, toys, and textiles.

c. Detailed packaging text information.

Surely, there are usually words about ingredients, efficacy, shelf life, bar code, and manufacturer on the package. If necessary, a simple diagram should be provided.

d. Design needs to emphasize dedicated colors that represent brand image.

To speak frankly, appropriate use of colors that reflect the brand’s image can make consumers have a certain visual reflection and quickly perceive the brand by means of color.

Such as: Coca-Cola’s red, Pepsi’s blue.

2.Packaging is a marketing tool for brands.

Obviously, there were no introductions or demonstrations by personnel during the product sale process. Only rely on the text or pictures on the package to “introduce yourself” to let others know.

How to make packaging design have strong sales force?

Consumers usually buy goods in three steps:

Seeing product packaging→Moved by the product→Makes a purchase.

Packaging design focuses on 3 functions:

a. Start with the display environment.

In the packaging color, design, structure and other aspects, highlight the brand’s visual impact to distinguish it from similar products.

b. Start with brand positioning and brand personalization.

Target the crowd clearly and choose the appropriate channels to determine the packaging design style. Finally, highlight important information that consumers care about.

c. Start with channel and price differences.

Designed with added value, high quality and sophisticated packaging.

These factors are complementary to the brand value and are an important means to enhance brand awareness.

3. Packaging is the embodiment of brand quality

Packaging design affects consumer judgments about product quality.

Taking luxury brand products as an example, this category of products requires a unique personality. No matter from the package shape, material, color, and process, it needs special quality.

Only such visual and psychological feelings can give consumers a high-end brand, high-quality products, and high value-added enjoyment.

4. Packaging is a brand’s communication channel.

Product packaging carrying a lot of brand information, placed on the shelves of shopping malls and supermarkets, are silent advertisements.

Every consumer who makes a purchase is its audience.

Consumers can choose the product brand based on the packaging of the product and decide which product they want to choose.

It can be seen that the link between product packaging and brand has been accepted by most people.

Brands are spread through other forms of advertising, such as outdoor billboards, TV ads, print media ads, and so on. Form consumer awareness of the brand.

The product packaging located at the terminal, and zero-distance contact with consumers, is the front line for the brand to realize value.

Only when the packaging design perfectly reflects the brand value, quality, strength, and product quality can the role of brand communication channels be more effectively exerted.

Packaging, as the outer garment of a product, is the visual carrier of the product and the first instruction of the product to consumers.

Good packaging design can convey the concept of the brand, enhance the image of the product, and promote the sales of the product.

Similarly, brands have a positive role in promoting packaging design. Brand culture can provide charm for packaging design.

Fully understand the attributes and positioning of the brand. Use reasonable packaging design methods and techniques. Can provide new vitality for product brands.

Why brands need creative packaging:

  • Visual appeal
  • Increase value
  • Conveying ideas
  • Brand identity

Well, if you have any other questions about packaging, design, customization, etc.,  contact me!

Tony Kim

Tony Kim

Hello everyone, my name is Tony Kim. I am running a paper packaging factory in China with nearly 20 years of production experience. The purpose of this article is to share with you some relevant knowledge and experience about paper packaging, from a personal view of a Chinese supplier.

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